mural on building with bright colors

A Harmonious Vision: A Vibrant Mural Celebrates Music and Community

Jun 17, 2024
The new location of the Grinnell School of Music will be home to a colorful mural and vibrant waiting area with the generous financial support of Grinnell College.
Jonathan Colby

Grinnell College Appoints Jonathan Colby Chief Information Officer

Jun 11, 2024
Jonathan Colby, Interim Chief Information Officer at Grinnell College, has been appointed to the position on a permanent basis.
Mia Kauffman '24

Mia’s Journey

Jun 10, 2024
Although she intended to pursue a pre-med path, Mia Kauffman ’24 stayed open-minded and found something even more interesting to her.
Person using laptop

Libraries Summer Research Resources

Jun 06, 2024
Summer research is a great opportunity to explore both the depth and breadth of a topic. Check out our disciplinary research guides and databases and please join our upcoming summer research events.
A young Black student sits nervously at her desk.

Mapping Racial Trauma: Visualizing Stories with Data

Aug 05, 2024
Stephanie Jones and Feven Adane Getachew ’24 have been building and collaborating on a digital humanities project that aims to examine curricular choices in the classroom and bring awareness to the frequency of curriculum violence towards Black students.
Meredith in between the Grinnell gateposts, smiling and with open arms, with snow on the ground

Meredith’s Journey

Jun 03, 2024
Meredith Neid ’24 was drawn to Grinnell’s individualized curriculum and its location. She chose Grinnell based on her sense of the College’s authenticity and how she would fit in here.
Looking out the front window of a jeep on a game drive, with a young woman sitting in the front seat.

From Savanna to Permafrost: GLP Students Track the Origins of Disease

May 31, 2024
Students in the Spring 2024 Global Learning Program Course Emerging Infectious Diseases traveled to South Africa and Alaska to conduct fieldwork at the forefront of disease ecology.
A professor and a male student discuss fluorescent microscopy images pulled up on a laboratory computer.

Team Effort: Five Grinnellians Co-Author Paper on the Zebrafish Liver

May 28, 2024
What began as a summer side project in 2020 grew into a yearslong collaborative study in the Lafontant laboratory. Now, Lafontant, professor of biology, is proud to have his name listed after not one, but four, Grinnell alums on a paper published in Zebrafish.
Andrea strolls along a canal in Denmark with a row of colorful housees and small boats

Andrea’s Journey

May 28, 2024
Grinnell made Andrea Suazo Rivas ’24 feel like an individual and not just a number. She was also attracted to Grinnell’s strong international community.
Princess joseph '25 with Nancy Schmulbach '61

Princess Joseph ’25 Named Winner of the Nancy Schmulbach Maly ’61 International Student Leadership Award

May 28, 2024
Princess Joseph ’25, an independent studies major from St. Lucia, was honored for her leadership and community engagement both on campus and in the broader Grinnell community.

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