Accessible Parking and Transportation

Accessible Parking

Anyone with a valid College or state accessible parking permit may park in the College’s accessible parking spaces. You may be fined if you park in accessible spaces without a valid permit.

Accessible parking spaces and accessible routes are indicated on the Campus Accessibility Map.

The State of Iowa Disabilities parking permits are available through for short-term and permanent disabilities. Apply for a disabilities parking permit from Iowa if you need:

  • To park in accessible spaces off-campus, or
  • A longer-term accessible parking permit.

Accessible Transportation

As of January 21, 2009, the College owns an accessible van to provide transportation to members of the College community and invited guests with limited mobility in order to be equitable and consistent in the kind of transportation that would be provided to any member of the College community. The accessible van is a 2008 Conversion Grand Caravan from AMS Vans, Norcross, Georgia. During the academic year, the accessible van is housed at and used daily by the Health Center staff to transport students to medical appointments in the city of Grinnell.

The van is also used to transport a student with limited mobility:

1) For any official College purpose such as a class or activity and

2) In instances where transportation is being offered to any student or where transportation is necessary for the mobility-impaired student in order to have full access to the class or activity. 

Acceptable Uses of the Accessible Van

  • Academic year
    • Transport students to medical appointments, Monday-Friday, 8 AM-5 PM.
    • Transportation of students with limited mobility to College-sponsored off-campus events, activities and academic programs, in instances where transportation is being provided to all students in the group or is necessary in order for the student to attend the event or program.
    • Transport Trustees and invited guests of the College with limited mobility to and from the campus and about campus as needed.
  • Reunion
    • Transport alumni with limited mobility to/from and about campus during Reunion.
  • Summer
    • Transport Trustees and invited guests of the College with limited mobility to/from and about campus.
    • Transport students with limited mobility to College-sponsored off-campus events, activities and academic programs, in instances where transportation is being provided to all students in the group or is necessary in order for the student to attend the event or program.

Priority for Use of the Accessible Van

  1. Transportation of students for medical reasons within the city of Grinnell.
  2. Transport Trustees and invited guests of the College with limited mobility to and from College-sponsored events.
  3. Transportation of students with limited mobility to College-sponsored off-campus events, activities, and academic programs, in instances where transportation is being provided to all students in the group or is necessary in order for the student to attend the event or program.
  4. Transport Trustees and invited guests of the College with limited mobility to and from College-sponsored events.

Procedure for Use of the Accessible Van

  1. Academic Year: the accessible van is under the supervision of the Health Center. It is used Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. to transport students for medical reasons throughout the City of Grinnell.

    When the van is needed to transport a person with limited mobility for one of the priority use activities above, the following applies:

    1. The professor of the class, leader of the group, or hosting department or program must request use of the van by notifying the Health Center Director a minimum of one week in advance of the date needed and provide an account number. This advance notice is needed so that the Director of the Health Center can determine whether (a) the Health Center staff can transport the person with limited mobility or (b) whether the sponsoring department must arrange for a substitute vehicle from Facilities Management.

    2. If "b", then Facilities Management will deliver a substitute vehicle to the Health Center and pick it up. The Health Center Director will make note of the out and in mileage and forward the net mileage and the account number to Facilities Management. If a replacement vehicle for the Health Center is rented, the requesting party will pay the higher cost-mileage for the accessible van or rental cost of a replacement vehicle. The requesting party will need to make arrangements with the Director of the Health Center to pick up and return of the accessible van, key, and handicap hang tag to the Health Center.

  2. Reunion: During reunion the van is supervised and operated by the Reunion staff and not available to other constituencies of the campus. The use of the accessible van is limited transportation of invited guests with limited mobility to/from campus and on campus.

  3. Summer Recess: The van is housed and supervised by Mike Burt, Facilities Management. The use of the van is limited to

    1. Transport Trustees and invited guests of the College with limited mobility to and from College-sponsored events.

    2. Transportation of students with limited mobility to College-sponsored off-campus events, activities and academic programs, in instances where transportation is being provided to all students in the group or is necessary in order for the student to attend the event or program.

Requirements for Drivers of the Accessible Van

Persons who are permitted to drive the accessible van must:

  • be a "college carpool driver," an approved student driver, or a faculty or staff member and,
  • have completed accessible van training through the Health Center, Security, or Facilities Management.

Use of the State-Issued Handicap Hang Tag

The Iowa Department of Transportation issued Grinnell College a green handicap hang tag for use in the College accessible van when transporting a person(s) with a disability. The handicap hang tag is stored in the glove box of the accessible van and is not to be removed from the vehicle. The hang card is to be displayed when the vehicle is parked in an accessible parking place during the transport of an eligible person (person with disability).

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