Admission ,

SEPC, Anyone?

Jan 04, 2013

Author:  Amy Henning ’10

In my first English class at Grinnell, I was awed by some of the upperclassman. Not only did they know their lit theory, but…

Just a Small Town Girl

Jan 04, 2013
Sure, Grinnell College is surrounded by seemingly endless cornfields. The bustling metropolises of Des Moines and Iowa City are each about an hour away. Still, you won’t believe everything you can do…

Lovin’ the Loggias

Jan 04, 2013


Loggia: n. (loh-JA) A roofed outdoor walkway attached to the side of a building. Sometimes described as an outdoor hallway. See Grinnell College campus.

 As you walk around…

Flaking Out

Jan 04, 2013


On Friday afternoons I flake out with my archaeology professor, some of his friends, and any students interested in giving up two hours of their weekend. We hang out, relax, talk, and get…

A Summer of Peace and Adventure

Jan 04, 2013

As a third-year student, I sincerely believe that Grinnell College is a place where the spirit of the liberal arts goes deep. During school days, as well as the summer breaks, Grinnell provides…

Snowperson and real person

Wise and Weathered

Jan 04, 2013

Author:  Sunanda Vaidheesh '12

What puzzled my Indian friends and family the most when I decided to go to school in Iowa wasn’t how I was going to survive outside the…

Students on the Mac field

A Letter to Grinnell from a Grinnellian

Jan 04, 2013

Dear Grinnell,

Could you explain to me how I became a college senior? I understand that classes were involved and the passage of time and a whole bunch of homework, but what happened? And…

All the Fun Stuff

Jan 04, 2013

The presiding officer’s heavy wooden gavel comes smashing down on the table as the opening theme to Lady Gaga’s new single blares from my computer speakers. My friend and I flinch, sigh, and exit…

Diversity and Unity

Jan 04, 2013


The International Student Organization’s annual Food Bazaar (one of my favorite events of the fall semester) is an obvious celebrations of Grinnell’s diversity. But for me, what stands out…

Hands-On Learning

Jan 04, 2013
“Culture is hard to study because it is so huge.” OK, I get that. But it’s one thing to read it, to hear it. But Professor Kesho Scott doesn’t just say it — she shows it. “Put your hands in front of…

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