Championing Healing
Amy Neevel ’95, a researcher at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, received a $1,500 grant to support the development of a peer-mentoring video web project to promote reintegration and reduce the risk of HIV in previously incarcerated women in North Carolina and across the country.
Beth Prullage ’94, a social worker at Providence Behavioral Health Hospital in Holyoke, Mass., will use her $1,500 Schwab grant to maintain and expand the music therapy resources at the hospital.
Erin Hustings ’98, a founding member of the D.C., Detention Visitation Network, obtained $1,500 to reinforce and magnify the program’s efforts in providing support and friendship to immigration detainees in the Washington, D.C. area.
Lori Ann Schwab ’95 Alumni Grants are presented annually to alumni who graduated between 1992 and 1998 and who are staff members or volunteers in nonprofit service organizations and public schools.
Schwab was committed to helping others. She died of a sudden illness while studying in London in 1994.