Fundraising and Engagement Continue Upward

Sep 23, 2015

New philanthropic commitments to Grinnell College from alumni, friends, parents, faculty, staff, students, and foundation and corporation partners broke the $20 million mark in fiscal year 2015.

Total commitments reached $23,352,051, compared with $12,521,188 in the same period a year ago — an increase of 86.5 percent in new gifts, new pledges, and new bequests documented during the year.

Total receipts for fiscal year 2015 reached $14.1 million, up from $11.2 million a year ago and representing an increase of 26.6 percent. Included in total receipts are one-time gifts, payments on pledges, and realized bequests.

“A strong culture of philanthropy at Grinnell is directly connected to our vision for the future,” says President Raynard S. Kington. “As we celebrate a banner year of donor generosity and alumni engagement, I am grateful for every partnership that helps the College define educational excellence.” 

Alumni giving was up 8.8 percent over fiscal year 2014, with 6,828 alumni making gifts to the College in FY 2015. Alumni participation in giving for 2015 represented 38.3 percent of the College’s alumni base, as measured for annual U.S. News & World Report rankings. It is the highest level of alumni participation in more than five years.

In all, 10,458 individuals — including alumni, friends of the College, parents of current students, and others — were donors to the College in fiscal year 2015. Among these, the largest number of donors (7,304) made unrestricted contributions. Among alumni donors, 262 alums made their first-ever gifts to the College.

The power of donor participation was apparent in March, when a one-day giving record of $853,586 was set during the College’s inaugural Scarlet & Give Back Day. A matching gift challenge from Patricia Jipp Finkelman ’80 and Daniel Finkelman ’77 spurred participation by 1,922 donors, also a one-day record.

Alumni and donor engagement take many forms at Grinnell. Here are some highlights from fiscal year 2015 annual giving:

  • Private support from parents and other family members totaled $409,590 in annual gifts, a 22 percent increase over 2014.
  • The class of 1965 achieved 62 percent participation in giving to its 50th Reunion fund.
  • Totaling $2,583, the senior class gift was the second-largest amount by any senior class in Grinnell College history.
  • In 2015, the Grinnell externship program provided experiences to 73 students, a 46 percent increase from last year.
  • Through the Grinnell Regional Admission Support Program (GRASP), 308 alumni across the country interviewed 562 prospective students, a 22.7 percent increase from 2014.
  • The inaugural Global Day of Service, co-sponsored by the Alumni Council, engaged more than 400 alumni, family, and friends who volunteered in 12 countries to celebrate Founders’ Day and Grinnell’s tradition of service.
  • Student Alumni Council hosted its first National Philanthropy Week, during which more than 500 Grinnell students celebrated ways to give time, talent, treasure, and ties to the College.

“It is gratifying to have the support and confidence of donors who understand the power of giving, who choose things in life they care about, and who make giving a habit,” says Shane Jacobson, vice president for development and alumni relations. “As we strive to grow a new culture of philanthropy, it is an example that serves to inspire younger and new philanthropists and ensures we achieve our mission at Grinnell College.”

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