New Look for Digital Grinnell
Digital Grinnell is Grinnell College’s institutional repository and serves as a home for the college’s digital collections, including scholarship, art, books, manuscripts, and other unique collections. The changes to Digital Grinnell’s appearance are meant to further highlight these collections.
This year the journal system, Journals @ Digital Grinnell, also has been upgraded. To access Journals @ Digital Grinnell, select the “Journals” tab at the top of the Digital Grinnell homepage. Journals @ Digital Grinnell is home to journals published by various Grinnell College programs. The journals in Journals @ Digital Grinnell include the Undergraduate Research Journal, the Undergraduate Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, Science and the Arts, Pioneering Neuroscience, and Tillers.
Direct questions about contributing content, about the technology, or about setting up a new journal or conference to