Writers@Grinnell: Daphne Kalotay

Apr 13, 2015

Novelist and short story writer Daphne Kalotay visits campus for Writers@Grinnell. She’ll present two free public events on Thursday, April 16, 2015, in the Joe Rosenfield ’25 Center.

  • Roundtable: 4:15 p.m., Rosenfield Center Room 209
  • Reading: 8 p.m., Rosenfield Center Room 101

Kalotay is known for her novels, Russian Winter (Harper, 2010) and Sight Reading (Harper, 2013), and her collection of short stories, Calamity and Other Stories (Doubleday, 2005), which was short listed for the 2005 Story Prize.

Grinnell welcomes and encourages the participation of people with disabilities. Rosenfield Center has accessible parking in the lot to the east. Rooms 101 and 209 are equipped with induction hearing loop systems. You can request accommodations from the event sponsor or Conference Operations.

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