Your Top Tech Questions Answered
Note: Most links on this page require login.
Q: How does printing on campus work and where can I print?
A: All academic buildings and residence halls have print-only devices, known as the Student Printing Program. If you are using a personal computer to print, you will need to have the PaperCut Client and the printer installed on your computer. Note: you cannot print from mobile devices at this time. For details on how to install PaperCut and printers (MFDs), plus a listing of student printer locations, see the printing documentation on GrinnellShare.
Q: How do I change my Grinnell password or reset my account without having to contact the Technology Services Desk?
A: Enroll in Password Reset. By enrolling in this web-based password reset utility, you can change your password or unlock your account independent of the Technology Service Desk.
Q: How do I connect gaming and streaming devices from my dorm room?
A: Systems that do not allow you to specify a username and password when connecting will need to register to the GrinnellCollegeGuests network. These devices could include Amazon, Alexa, Apple TV, a Google Chromecast, certain game consoles, and some e-readers.
Q: How do I connect to Wi-Fi with my phone?
A: There are two Wi-Fi networks available on campus: GrinnellCollege and GrinnellCollegeGuests. Whenever possible, you should connect laptops and mobile devices to the GrinnellCollege network. See the online documentation for connecting to wireless with an Android device or an iOS device.
Q: Is Microsoft 365 free for me to use?
A: Many Microsoft 365 applications are available for free to students. This powerful set of apps provides access to email, calendaring, and the Office Suite, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. See accessing Microsoft 365 for how to install these apps on a personal device.
Q: How do I access my Grinnell email account?
A: While you are enrolled at Grinnell College, you have access to an email address. You can access your account using Microsoft Outlook in a web browser or as a desktop app. This is the way that you will get official information from the College, so it’s important for you to have access and check it frequently!
Q: Where can I find more information technology related information or how can I request help?
A: The Information Technology Services intranet site is a hub for technology-related information including a Technology Quick-Start Guide. You may reach the Technology Services desk by any of these methods:
- in-person visit: on campus in the Forum upper-level center
- by phone: x4901 or 641-269-4901
- by email:
- online:
We recommend submitting a service request online using the Technology Services Desk Help Portal portal if you need assistance.