Jasmine Gerritsen
Jasmine is a second year Posse student from Los Angeles majoring in English and is currently undergoing the education licensure tract. Along with teaching Kickboxing, she is a part of the local foods coop which promotes sustainable and locally grown foods, has participated in the women's cross-country team, and is a wellness coordinator helping to promote nutrition and fitness. In her spare time she enjoys reading and writing poetry and short stories and secretly aspires to write a book someday, preferably in the young adult genre.
Jill Wielgos
Jillian Wielgos is a sophomore who is an intern for and member of the Careers in Education Profession program. She is a Spanish major pursuing the education licensure track for Spanish language and ESOL. She’s interested in many aspects of education including ESOL/bilingual programs and the intersection of healthy eating, sustainable agriculture, and community education. She loves to dance, cook, and spend time outdoors in her free time.