What You Need to Know as Faculty
Please note that we continue to add to this page; please check back for updated resources or contact Disability Resources at 641-269-3089 for support.
Disability Resources strives to assist faculty in creating learning environments that are inclusive of students of all abilities. Using universal design principals, we seek to remove as many barriers as possible and then make individual accommodations when needed. We coordinate accommodations and support for Grinnellians with disabilities such as learning, psychiatric, physical, or sensory disabilities, and we partner with the student's faculty whenever possible. Do not hesitate to call on us with questions or for assistance.
We encourage you to learn about disabilities, universal design, and disability resources at Grinnell, starting with Disability Resources for Students.
Resources for Designing your Course
Accessibility Statements for Syllabi
Creating an Inclusive Syllabus
Creating Accessible Course Materials (PDF)
Accommodating Students
Student Accommodations Process
Accommodation Letter Portal (log-in required)
Testing Accommodations and Alternate Locations
Assistive Technology (log-in required)
Best Practices for Classroom Accommodations
If you need:
- A classroom reassignment due to the disability of a student, contact the coordinator of disability resources.
- A classroom reassignment due to your own disability, contact the assistant dean for disability resources.
Accessible Services
For Documents and Media
If you produce media — such as documents, spreadsheets, or pdfs — you need to make them accessible. If you need training, review these Lynda.com courses. Grinnell College offers Lynda.com accounts for students, faculty, and staff.
- Creating Accessible PDFs (login required) gives background about accessible documents and creating them for Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign
- Creating Accessible Microsoft Office Documents gives background about accessible documents and creating them for Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.
- Foundations of UX: Accessibility gives background and tips on making websites accessible
For guidance on making your videos and audio accessible, contact:
For Events
If you are hosting an event, see the Event Planner's Accessibility Checklist (located under the "College Calendar" section) for important information on what you're responsible for doing and providing, and how to do so effectively.
For Personal Interactions
- Disability Etiquette — PDF from United Spinal Association with tips on how to, and how not to, interact politely with people with disabilities
- Making Meeting Accessible (PDF) — from U.S. Department of Justice