Outcome 2 Details
Students develop a sense of social responsibility and fairness that guides them in their personal and professional lives.
This learning outcome is expressed in many different ways, including the ability to:
- address and respect issues of intellectual integrity such as honesty and copyright
- incorporate service to others as a regular part of daily life
- appreciate the importance of individual rights and the balance between them and majority rule
- respect rules that enforce fairness, and question those that do not in a civil manner
Students can gain these skills in a variety of ways:
- coursework that includes substantial elements of professional ethics
- service on campus committees that guide and enforce policies and shared governance
- service learning opportunities
- participation in programs with significant social responsibility components such as the Prison Program, various diversity programming
- coursework that addresses issues of societal injustice
- internships with some nonprofits
- First-year experience
Outcome 2 Assessment Project
updated 1-19-2018
Focus Group Project
We conducted focus group interviews with student groups to answer the following questions:
- Where in the Grinnell College curricular and co-curricular experience are students learning the skills, knowledge and attitudes related to College Wide Learning Outcome #2?
- What does College Wide Learning Outcome #2 mean to Grinnell College students?
We analyzed the results of our semi-formal interviews using a qualitative approach which identified themes arising from student responses. Student participants confirmed that our thematic analysis accurately characterized the conversation.
- Students learned Outcome #2 knowledge, skills and attitudes through various ways on campus including co-curricular programming, athletics, and peer-to-peer interactions.
- Students tended to feel that Outcome #2 related to social justice and inclusiveness.