
Make an Impact with Images

Drupal makes it easy to add and reuse images throughout the site and it can crop and resize your image on the fly to suit each place it's used. Add large hero images at the top of your pages, include galleries of photos, choose images that highlight and reinforce your messages, or add headshots to profiles. Images are integral to our site.

You must follow site and legal standards!

When adding images to the site, make sure you follow all legal and site standards. Three areas are covered below, but see College Policies Related to Communications on GrinnellShare to learn more.

Always include alt text — i.e. a description of your image. Critical for the visually impaired, alt text also helps in other ways as well.

See WebAIM's Alternative Text article for tips on how to write alt text.

To avoid a current issue with Drupal, do not use double quotes in alt text. You can use single quotes.

Do not use images that contain text (for example, an image with text overlaid using Photoshop or another tool).

Exceptions may be made in limited situations, such as:

  • a picture of a book cover used to illustrate news about an upcoming reading or publication
  • a logo for campus partners
  • a graph or figure explaining a particular idea
  • a picture of an object that has text (the entrance signs on the south side of campus, for example)

All information that is visible in such exceptions must be provided as alt text or explained in text on the page.

Exceptions will not be made for event posters.

Image Basics

Different browsers present different challenges to the viewer, so images on our site react on the fly, just like the rest of the site.

Compare these different layouts from the same page as displayed in smaller and larger browser windows:

Narrow image with focus on person and title in two lines
Hero image medium width, more image appearing on either side, title in two lines
Hero image full width, slightly cropped on the bottom, and title on one line

Types of Changes

  • Any image may get smaller when displayed on a smaller screen (such as on a phone).
  • Page and Group Info hero images are sized and cropped differently depending on the browser window.
  • Images from News are cropped more narrowly when displayed in feeds.
  • Profile images are cropped to squares and can get smaller when displayed in faculty or staff listings.
  • Images added to most components may be rescaled and cropped.

In general, load a larger image (e.g. 2000 pixels wide or so) and let Drupal resize the image as needed. Exception: When adding a “natural” image through a WYSIWYG editor,

Use preview and focus tools to adjust how Drupal crops the image.

Sources for images can include:

  • People who took part in specific activities
  • Communications office:
    • We have a store of College-related images. Contact us if you have specific needs.
    • Our photographer can take professional headshots to use in profiles. Watch the Campus Memo for upcoming sessions.
  • Creative Commons images: Kayla Reed, library, is a good contact if you have questions about creative commons.
  • Paid sources: If you have the budget, sources such as iStock and Getty Images.


  • high quality images
  • images that illustrate the point you are trying to make or set the tone for the section or page
  • are the correct size for your intended use

Avoid images that:

  • are grainy
  • are over- or underexposed
  • otherwise don't reflect the quality of the College

See instructions for the different content types and components as well as profiles for details on how to optimize your images for each.

Image with focus pointer and preview option

Use the preview and focus tools to see how Drupal will crop an image for different uses and to ensure any version stays focused on the most important part of the image.

These tools appear when you edit your image, which you can do: 

  • Through media tools
    • Go to Editor Tools > Media in the black Admin toolbar, find your image, and click Edit.
  • While editing your webpage
    • For profiles and most components and content types, click Edit in the image field.
    • In WYSIWYG editors, double-click or right-click the image and click Image with focus pointer and preview option. Then click Edit.

Click and drag the Focus control (a small white plus sign that is displayed over the image) to the part of the image you want to have always appear. Drupal will attempt to center the image on that point before cropping and resizing. You can also double-click the plus sign to open a field that will give you more precise control on the location of the focus.

Click Preview to see the original image and how it will be cropped. You will see the preset Drupal options named according to their use.

Use preview and focus to adjust the crop of your image until you are satisfied, and then save your changes.

Communications offers the following:

  • Professional headshots. Watch the memo for the next session and encourage faculty and staff to stop by.
  • High-quality campus images. The College may already have something you can use. Email us the details about what you're looking for and how you plan on using it. We'll let you know if we have anything that might work.
  • Help finding a student or professional photographer. If you need to hire a photographer, Communications can provide of list of people who might be able to work with you.

The Technology Services Desk can help with Adobe tools like Photoshop. These make working with images fairly easy.

You can find training on and numerous online videos and articles explain how to deal with many image-related issues.

Because Drupal automatically crops and resizes images, you don't need to worry about exact sizing.

The following width-to-height ratios approximate how Drupal will crop each image type. The ratios in parentheses show how an image may be cropped when displayed in interactive components such as Carousel: News. Ensure the image looks good in both ratios.

To make sure all users see the highest quality images, make sure your image meets the minimum width; we recommend they be larger than the minimum in most cases.

Image Type Best Ratio
(other ratios it
may be cropped to)
Minimum Width Recommended Width
Background Feature 4:1 1440 px 2000 px
Books & Publications Carousel 3:4 150 px 200 to 2000 px
Carousel: Content 1:1 454 px 500 to 2000 px
Carousel: Image Feature 3:1 1180 px 2000 px
Event 4:3 480 px 500 to 2000 px
Featured News and Events 2:1 585 px 600 to 2000 px
Generic Block: 2 or 3 Column 7:4 572 px 600 to 2000 px
Generic Block: Image List 1:1 (shape may be responsive) 620 px 700 to 2000 px
Hero 3:1 (shape is responsive) 1600 px 2000 px
News 4:3
(may be cropped to 1:1 and 2:1)
1180 px 2000 px
Profile Headshot 1:1 280 px 500 to 2000 px
Quote Wide 1:1 400 px 500 to 2000 px
Story 4:3 (may be cropped to 1:1) 480 px 500 to 2000 px
Video WYSIWYG full or horizontal 16:9 1440 px 2000 px
Video Click to Play 4:1 (shape is responsive) 1440 px 2000 px
Ambient Video Fallback 3:1 1440 px 2000 px
WYSIWYG - Full 7:4 880 px 1000 to 2000 px
WYSIWYG - Horizontal 3:1 381 px 500 to 2000 px
WYSIWYG - Natural any not applicable Image will display at actual size to a maximum of 880 px wide
WYSIWYG - Round 1:1 280 px 300 to 2000 px
WYSIWYG - Square 1:1 454 px 500 to 2000 px
WYSIWYG - Vertical 2:3 400 px 500 to 2000 px

Adding Images

You cannot add or update images within some components because the images are drawn from other sources. For these, you need to go to the original content sources, such as <em>News, Stories</em>, or <em>Profiles</em>.

You'll often encounter the Add Media dialog box when you click an Add Image button or Embed Media icon. Button and tab names in the dialog box may differ depending on how you got to it, but they work similarly.

Any image you add using the Add Media dialog box will be saved to the library and you can reuse it.

The Add Media dialog box has two tabs — Add (or Add New) Image and Use Existing Image.

  • To add a new image:
    • Select the Add Image tab.
    • Use the fields to browse for and load your image.
    • Add alt text.
    • Add photographer, source, and date information if you have any.
    • Click Add Image  or Embed to complete the process.
  • To reuse an image that is already on the site:
    • Select the Use Existing Image tab.
    • Search for your image. You can use keywords to narrow down your selection.
    • Select your image by clicking the checkbox in the lower right corner of the image.
    • Scroll down to and click Embed or Embed Image to complete the process. 

Note: There are additional steps when adding an image through a WYSIWYG component. See instructions below.

The Add Media Dialog Box
  • Background Feature
    • In Background Feature, the image is responsive and can crop quite differently depending on the size of the browser window.
    • You cannot edit an image that has already been added. You must load a new image and you can't reuse an image from the library.
  • News: 3 Columns | Callout: News | Carousel: News | Featured News and Events
    • The images are drawn from the News, not added through these components.
    • To change an image, go to the News and edit the Carousel: Image Feature.
  • Carousel: Story | Story: Feature
    • The images are drawn from the Story, not added through these components.
    • To change an image, go to the Story and edit the Main Image.
  • Profile (User)
    • On the Profile, click Browse to load a new image and then enter alt text.
    • You must load a new image; you can't reuse an image from the library.
  • Images in Views
    • The images are drawn from the original source — News, Story, or Profile.
    • To change an image, go to the source.

Adding Images in a WYSIWYG Editor

Add media icon looks like a little mountain

You can add images in a WYSIWYG editor by clicking the Image Embed icon, selecting your image, and deciding how it will display. 

To add a new or preloaded image:

  1. In the WYSIWYG editor, place your cursor where you want the image to appear.
  2. Click the Embed Image icon. Drupal will open the Add Media dialog box. By default, you will see the Add New Image tab.
    • To add a new image:
      1. Use the Add New Image fields to browse for and load your image.
      2. Add alt text.
      3. Add photographer, source, and date information if you have any.
      4. Click Add Image.
    • To reuse an image that is already on the site:
      1. Click Use Existing Image.
      2. Search for your image. You can use keywords to narrow down your selection.
      3. Once you find the image you want to use, click the checkbox in the lower right corner to select it.
      4. Scroll down and click Embed Image.
  3. Once you've loaded your image, click Display As and select one of the display options: full, horizontal, natural, round, square, or vertical.
  4. Drupal displays the alignment options available for that display (see ”Alignment Options” below). Select the one you want and click Embed.

If you add a caption, it will appear below the image.


For display options other than "natural," Drupal will crop and resize the image to fit the selection. If you don't like the default crop, use the preview and focus tools discussed above to tweak how it appears. 

These images are responsive and will scale down for smaller browsers, such as on a phone.

The table below shows the different displays you can choose from when adding an image to a WYSIWYG as well as how you can align the image with respect to other content.

Drupal will scale and crop images depending on the display you choose. The minimum width and height in the table below shows the maximum size Drupal will use in each display. You can add your image larger than this — we recommend you do so — but do not load a smaller version of the image or Drupal will scale it up, making it blurry.

Minimum Image Sizes

Width x Height

Alignment Options
Full 880 x 500 pixels No float
Horizontal 381 x 220 pixels Floated left or right
Natural no minimum Centered or floated left or right
Round 280 x 280 pixels Centered or floated left or right
Square 454 x 454 pixels Centered or floated left or right
Vertical 400 x 600 pixels Centered or floated left or right

For natural images, you must load your image exactly as you want it to appear — including the correct height and width. If you don't have a way to do this, contact ITS. They can provide tools such as Adobe Photoshop that allow you to resize the image.

With several WYSIWYG image displays, you'll have the choice to center your image or float it to the left or right.

  • Centered: The image appears evenly centered in the content area, and other content falls below or above it, not beside it.
  • Floated Left: The image appears to the left of the content area. Any content that comes after the image will float up beside it to the right.
  • Floated Right: The image appears to the right of the content area. Any content that comes after the image will float up beside it to the left.

Note: If you want to float your image to the left or right, make sure you insert the image directly before the content you want to see next to it.

Sample Displays of WYSIWYG Options

With the exception of the small logo at the end, each of these samples use the same 2400 x 1600 pixel image; only the display options have changed.

Student walks on campus with colorful leaves in the fall

Note that it is scaled and cropped differently from the large Display as: Natural version.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mattis leo et metus accumsan posuere. Aliquam tristique sit amet ipsum eu iaculis. Duis sapien orci, eleifend vel lacus nec, dignissim vulputate enim. Integer lobortis, urna ac faucibus euismod, enim nulla venenatis tellus, non porta justo ex ut tellus. Aliquam ut ex et libero ultrices euismod ut eget augue. Aliquam a dignissim lacus. Sed quis vulputate dui, at sagittis eros. 

Student walks on campus with colorful leaves in the fall

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mattis leo et metus accumsan posuere. Aliquam tristique sit amet ipsum eu iaculis. Duis sapien orci, eleifend vel lacus nec, dignissim vulputate enim. Integer lobortis, urna ac faucibus euismod, enim nulla venenatis tellus, non porta justo ex ut tellus. Aliquam ut ex et libero ultrices euismod ut eget augue. Aliquam a dignissim lacus.

Sed quis vulputate dui, at sagittis eros. Phasellus venenatis nibh nibh, ac vulputate tellus aliquet in. Aliquam fringilla lectus non sapien porttitor semper. Curabitur et bibendum erat. Pellentesque ornare arcu odio, in commodo leo dictum eleifend. Quisque a est erat. Nunc mauris orci, maximus in ante et, bibendum cursus neque. Donec tincidunt elementum felis at consequat. Vivamus interdum neque dolor, ut vestibulum mi volutpat id. Vivamus ornare, nulla sit amet feugiat vehicula, elit lorem hendrerit leo, interdum semper augue libero ac odio.

Student walks on campus with colorful leaves in the fall

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mattis leo et metus accumsan posuere. Aliquam tristique sit amet ipsum eu iaculis. Duis sapien orci, eleifend vel lacus nec, dignissim vulputate enim. Integer lobortis, urna ac faucibus euismod, enim nulla venenatis tellus, non porta justo ex ut tellus. Aliquam ut ex et libero ultrices euismod ut eget augue. Aliquam a dignissim lacus. Sed quis vulputate dui, at sagittis eros. Phasellus venenatis nibh nibh, ac vulputate tellus aliquet in. Aliquam fringilla lectus non sapien porttitor semper. Curabitur et bibendum erat. Pellentesque ornare arcu odio, in commodo leo dictum eleifend. Quisque a est erat. Nunc mauris orci, maximus in ante et, bibendum cursus neque. Donec tincidunt elementum felis at consequat. Vivamus interdum neque dolor, ut vestibulum mi volutpat id.

Student walks on campus with colorful leaves in the fall

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mattis leo et metus accumsan posuere. Aliquam tristique sit amet ipsum eu iaculis. Duis sapien orci, eleifend vel lacus nec, dignissim vulputate enim. Integer lobortis, urna ac faucibus euismod, enim nulla venenatis tellus, non porta justo ex ut tellus. Aliquam ut ex et libero ultrices euismod ut eget augue. Aliquam a dignissim lacus. Sed quis vulputate dui, at sagittis eros.

Phasellus venenatis nibh nibh, ac vulputate tellus aliquet in. Aliquam fringilla lectus non sapien porttitor semper. Curabitur et bibendum erat. Pellentesque ornare arcu odio, in commodo leo dictum eleifend. Quisque a est erat. Nunc mauris orci, maximus in ante et, bibendum cursus neque. Donec tincidunt elementum felis at consequat. Vivamus interdum neque dolor, ut vestibulum mi volutpat id.

Student walks on campus with colorful leaves in the fall

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mattis leo et metus accumsan posuere. Aliquam tristique sit amet ipsum eu iaculis. Duis sapien orci, eleifend vel lacus nec, dignissim vulputate enim. Integer lobortis, urna ac faucibus euismod, enim nulla venenatis tellus, non porta justo ex ut tellus. Aliquam ut ex et libero ultrices euismod ut eget augue. Aliquam a dignissim lacus. Sed quis vulputate dui, at sagittis eros. Phasellus venenatis nibh nibh, ac vulputate tellus aliquet in.

Aliquam fringilla lectus non sapien porttitor semper. Curabitur et bibendum erat. Pellentesque ornare arcu odio, in commodo leo dictum eleifend. Quisque a est erat. Nunc mauris orci, maximus in ante et, bibendum cursus neque. Donec tincidunt elementum felis at consequat. Vivamus interdum neque dolor, ut vestibulum mi volutpat id. Vivamus ornare, nulla sit amet feugiat vehicula, elit lorem hendrerit leo, interdum semper augue libero ac odio.

Student walks on campus with colorful leaves in the fall

Note the difference in cropping and size between this version of the image and the full. Also note that Drupal scaled down the original image to 880 pixels wide.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mattis leo et metus accumsan posuere. Aliquam tristique sit amet ipsum eu iaculis. Duis sapien orci, eleifend vel lacus nec, dignissim vulputate enim. Integer lobortis, urna ac faucibus euismod, enim nulla venenatis tellus, non porta justo ex ut tellus. Aliquam ut ex et libero ultrices euismod ut eget augue. Aliquam a dignissim lacus. Sed quis vulputate dui, at sagittis eros. Phasellus venenatis nibh nibh, ac vulputate tellus aliquet in. Aliquam fringilla lectus non sapien porttitor semper. Curabitur et bibendum erat.

Sample Display: Natural (small image)

Grinnell College AmeriCorps logo

This is a small logo, 141 × 197. Drupal doesn't change the crop or size since it is smaller than 800 pixels in any direction.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mattis leo et metus accumsan posuere. Aliquam tristique sit amet ipsum eu iaculis. Duis sapien orci, eleifend vel lacus nec, dignissim vulputate enim. Integer lobortis, urna ac faucibus euismod, enim nulla venenatis tellus, non porta justo ex ut tellus.

Aliquam ut ex et libero ultrices euismod ut eget augue. Aliquam a dignissim lacus. Sed quis vulputate dui, at sagittis eros. Phasellus venenatis nibh nibh, ac vulputate tellus aliquet in. Aliquam fringilla lectus non sapien porttitor semper. Curabitur et bibendum erat. Pellentesque ornare arcu odio, in commodo leo dictum eleifend.

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